A Great Party

Written by Bryan Rafanelli | Forward by Chelsea Clinton

Elegant table setting with flowers and candles for a formal event, beautifully arranged by a professional event planning company.
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In his debut book, acclaimed event designer Bryan Rafanelli shares his secrets for creating unforgettable parties.

Voted one of the best wedding planners in the world by Vogue, Bryan Rafanelli has designed and produced some of the nation’s most exclusive and high-profile events, including many for President Obama at the White House as well as Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. In “A Great Party,’ Rafanelli shares his philosophy for creating artful celebrations that convey beauty and elegance while telling a story unique to its hosts. From a seaside destination wedding to a stylish masquerade fête, Rafanelli’s work is marked by stunning statements and clever everyday details.

The book explores dozens of events in detail, taking readers behind the scenes of Weddings, showcasing both the main event and the welcome and after parties; Charity Events, highlighting what makes one unique and successful; and the White House, featuring state dinners and holiday decor. It concludes with 7 key Rafanelli principles, otherwise known as “Rafanelli’s Rules,” for hosting great celebrations, from considering a room’s surfaces–the floor, walls, and ceiling–to how adding guests will change what you see. He shares his thoughts on the importance of enhancing what’s already part of a space rather than obscuring it, as when he enclosed the gilded mirrors of the East Room in the White House in twelve-foot frames of fresh flowers for a state dinner under President Obama.

About the author

Bryan Rafanelli

Bryan Rafanelli launched Rafanelli Events in 1996 as a three-person operation executing only a handful of events a year. It quickly evolved into a full-service…

Smiling man with gray hair wearing glasses and a black suit standing by a window at an event venue space.
From the press

Bryan Rafanelli is no stranger to a great party. For twenty three years the events designer has thrown everything from stunning destination weddings and chic masquerade balls to thoughtful galas and unforgettable birthday soirées…

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